
Sleep Consultant

Success Stories

Dear Amira,

I just want to share that I am THRILLED with your program! We are now into the 2nd month and even in the very beginning he is sleeping 11-12+ hours straight through the night!

He has learned to put himself back to sleep and we never thought that would happen, it has been simply amazing! We used to be the parents who got no sleep, now our friends are jealous that he sleeps so many hours through the night and their child doesn’t!I brag to EVERYONE about how well he sleeps and that we have a life again!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I never dreamed I would sleep through the night for 8 hours again! You are awesome!

– Stephanie

Dear Amira,

I purchased Sleep Sense A few weeks ago and I am absolutely satisfied. The change was INSTANT, the same night I started reading the book was the night he started sleeping better and he keeps improving.

My wife and I are also sleeping better and we a better parents for it as we are able to enjoy our new son. Thank you for all your help. I will definitely recommend this system to any new parents

From 2 proud and well rested parents (and one cute little boy)

– Jeff, Jodie & Jacob Carroll

Hi Amira,

I would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to you. Your system is well explained and well researched and has worked wonders in our house. It is like Hana is saying ‘Thank You Mammy – i really needed this’, she is so happy since we began. We tell her it is ‘Sleepy Girl Time’ she knows what that means now and tucks her head into her blankey when we say it to her, ready for bed. She is so clever. We are going to stick to it for her sake and like the other parents you mentioned we are delighted with the time together we have now.

So once again, Thank You – keep doing what you are doing.

– Fiona O’Connor Kildare, Ireland

“Mahé didn’t sleep more than an hour straight and always in our arms.

We were able to raise all our concerns and ask all the questions we wanted.

Amira is very attentive.

She was convinced that our baby’s sleep problem could be overcome, so we felt reassured.

Also, as a mother who suffered from the same “sleep deprivation” problems, we knew she could understand our situation.

We better understood our baby’s sleep difficulties, all the advice was very clear and personalized.

Now we can put baby in his bed, and he gets into asleep.

It also has an effective sleep routine.

Today, Mahé sleeps very well, at night and for naps. He has more energy during the day.

We had back problems from carrying our baby all day and now everything is better.

Finally, we also sleep and so we are more relaxed with our eldest son (2 years old) and pass more quality time with him.”

Rachel & Jean-Luc – Parents of Mahé 5 months

Nolan never fell asleep alone either for nap or at night, he needed us to be near him in our bed for an hour rocking him to fall asleep.

He would wake up in the night so that we could take him back in our arms to go back to sleep.

He always ended up sleeping with us Nous had tried to put him in bed with a little musical night light, but it didn’t work.

Amira really took the time to give us all the information and specially to answer all our questions and concerns.

She considered our fears, our anxieties, and our stress !!

It was very reassuring to be accompanied and listened to.

Today, Nolan sleeps alone, every day at the same time and he no longer wakes up in the night to be taken with us.

His naps are longer as well.

Our baby is less tired during the day and has more energy.

We found our evenings but especially nights of sleep.

Régine & Chris, parents of Nolan 19 months.